Tanzanian Peaberry Coffee - 10 oz Bag
The peaberry is prized for the richness of its flavor. Tanzanian Peaberry is a lively, inviting coffee from the acclaimed Kilimanjaro region. It is at once bold, smooth, and full-bodied. We love it so much that we use it in our Lake House Blend and our Vermont Breakfast Blend. Only about 5% of coffee beans are known as peaberry. Unlike the traditional coffee berries, which feature two side-by-side fertilized seeds, peaberries occur when only one of the two seeds is fertilized. The peaberry comes into the world as a small, yet complete individual, infused with all the depth and qualities of the classic double berry. It is tiny, but powerful. ~ Medium Roast
Profile: Full body with notes of wine, berry and cacao.
You can also enjoy Tazanian Peaberry Coffee in the following Bundle and Signature Blends:
Brown and Jenkins have the Best coffee anywhere and I’ve been a customer for 20 years
We've spent the pandemic supporting local coffee roasters. Over that time, we've tried different coffees from around the world to narrow down our favorites. We've been enthusiastic for Sumatra Lintong, and then we tried Tanzanian Peaberry a couple of months ago. It's smooth, flavorful, and has a chocolatey back note and sweetness that I love. This is our favorite, and I imagine it will take time before something can beat it.
Tanzanian Pea berry is a customer favorite all across the country. It is one of our go to coffees to suggest to coffee lovers new to our coffees. Never had a complaint. Thanks for the great review.
This coffee is light and smooth. It’s also really versatile: I’ve made it with an areopress and as espresso, and both came out excellent!
This is one of my all-time favorite single origin coffees. It has a nice delicate flavor with good body and top note of fruit that gives it some brightness but isn't overwhelming. And the beans themselves are unique and a thing of beauty! Glad to have this one on my monthly delivery list.
This Tanzanian Peaberry is smooth, well balanced, slightly sweet and bursting with flavor. A hidden gem.