Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee - 2 LB Bag
Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee is more than just for dessert. Make it the centerpiece of any comforting time out you offer yourself on a busy day. Chocolate and hazelnut offer a delightful combination where deep coffee flavor, velvety hazelnut and sweet chocolate merge to delight every sip. It might remind you of a certain gourmet European spread that rhymes with "good fella". In fact, if you enjoy that spread for a snack or for breakfast, you will love Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee even more. ~ Medium Roast
You will also find Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee in our Chocolate Lovers Coffee Bundle.
Also available in 10 ounce bags: Chocolate Hazelnut Coffee - 10 oz
When we saw this online, we immediately thought we love Nutella & now we love Chocolate Hazelnut. Way to go Brown & Jenkins!
Superb flavor!!