The Vermont Coffee Blog

Are you looking for the perfect drink to serve at your Halloween Party this year? We have the perfect drink to get your party started and keep it going! It’s strong but sweet, rich, smooth, and utterly delicious it’s pretty much perfect.

Just as there are diverse tastes in sweets and coffees, there are diverse schools of thought regarding the ideal combination of coffee and dessert. Even great chefs have different opinions about this, but they do agree on one thing: in the end, it’s a matter of experimentation and developing one’s palate. This being said, there … Continue reading How to Pair Coffee and Dessert

Use a French Press to make Espresso at home without a machine. Use any coffee, even your favorite flavored brew. A true Espresso is defined as a strong black coffee made by forcing steam through ground coffee beans. You will not find any definition out there that states you cannot enjoy a good espresso without this … Continue reading How to Make Espresso With a French Press