The Vermont Coffee Blog

The peaberry is prized for the richness of its flavor. Tanzanian Peaberry is a lively, inviting coffee from the acclaimed Kilimanjaro region. Unlike the traditional coffee berries, which feature two side-by-side fertilized seeds, peaberries occur when only one of the two seeds is fertilized. This, you may be interested to know, does not occur on … Continue reading The Mighty Peaberry

Just made a fresh cup of coffee – Organic Healthy Living Blend, in case you are curious – and signed in to this Blog to compose the next weekly article. It seemed like we launched this project just a few short months ago, but upon review just realized we’ve posted 43 articles already, which takes … Continue reading Coffee Talk – The Best of 2018

Great coffee was served at a recent friends’ gathering and the conversation turned precisely to that, coffee, as our host poured hot water over deliciously aromatic coffee grounds nestled in a natural paper filter. As he poured, all five people around the table fell silent for a moment as we realized with sudden intensity how … Continue reading 110 Years of Paper Filters

It is said that behind every genius there is probably a supportive companion and certainly a fair amount of coffee. Coffee has been roasted and turned into the beverage we know and love today since the 13th century. Prior to this, it was consumed in various other forms, including as an energy bar. But it … Continue reading 5 Famous Coffee Drinkers

You may have a favorite diner in your own town, or perhaps there is one you visit each year while on vacation. The classic diner offers more than traditional dishes; it is especially recognized for its desserts and coffee. Even if the coffee is not outstanding, there is something deeply satisfying about cradling a real … Continue reading Who Invented The Diner Mug?

Coffee quotes often make us smile or think about our lives in a new light. No matter how the phrases are turned, when coffee inspires them it is almost certain that everyone can find a nugget of personal truth behind the intended meaning, or beyond it. Coffee quotes range from purely whimsical to historical and … Continue reading The Quoted Coffee – Chapter 1